Black Holes and Universal Wifi

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2018


Welcome to the Space, But Messier! Podcast, we are Tony and Flo and we can become black holes if we set our mind to it!


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 That's right! Technically anyone and anything could become a black hole if they shrink down to there Schwarzchild radius, a relative radius in which an object is so dense, it becomes a black hole. Let's get rockin!



SpaceX again!

SpaceX just launched another rocket to space with 2 test satellites for the constellation called StarLink that they want to build in space. He’s planning on launching over 4000 satellites and provide the Earth with global internet.

Tom Praderio, a SpaceX firmware engineer says that:
"These are meant to gather data in advance of deploying and operating a satellite constellation that will provide internet service. Even if these satellites work as planned, we still have considerable technical work ahead of us to design and deploy a low-Earth satellite constellation." The 3 billion people without internet will all of the sudden be connected

Today's Topic: Black Holes

What is a Black Hole?

A Black hole is a region of space where the force of gravity is so strong, nothing can escape it, not even light.

Most fall under 2 Basic Types: Stellar Black Holes, and Supermassive Black Holes

  • Stellar Mass Black Holes form by the death of Stars. Stars at least 20 times the mass of the sun, will eventually die, gravity will pull the Star in on itself and it will explode into a supernova.
  • Instagram, we post pics of these.
  • What’s left is a black hole

Supermassive Black Holes

  • Millions to Billions times the mass of our sun
  • But how do they form? How do they get so big??
  • One of these is at the center of every galaxy we observe
  • We think that they become this big by 2 galaxies crashing into each other, thus combining the black holes to make supermassive one.
  • The Andromeda galaxy is estimated to collide with our Milky Way galaxy in 3.75 billion years as it hurdles towards us at 68 miles/sec (1.166832e+17 seconds)

But How do we see them…. If they are black?
Light can’t even escape it…. Enter Escape Velocity, or lack there of.

So wouldn’t it be pitch black? This is when we look for Quasars
Quasars are blackholes with these massive lit up accretion disks. In fact, they are some of the brightest objects in our universe.

Sink Anaology
When you pour liquid contents down a sink, it spirals in, it doesn’t just drop into the whole all at once. All the gas that was attracted to this black hole, will swirl around it so fast, it will heat up and emit huge amounts of light. So, we technically can’t see the black hole, but we can see the light around it.


Black Hole Rumors:

They suck everything in

  • Not true! It all has to do with mass. Just like Massive stars with a ton of mass, they have more gravity, but their not sucking everything in. Some black holes even have the same mass as some of the most massive stars. There is always a happy medium, a balance between the speed you can travel at a certain distance that doesn’t allow you to be sucked in.

All stars will become black holes

  • False! Only Stars about 20 times the mass of our sun will become a black hole. Those less mass than that will become a white dwarf.  Similar process, nuclear fusion stops, gravity takes over, but it’s not quite strong enough to turn it into a black hole. It finds a stopping point when the electrons can be compressed no longer. It becomes a small stable star the size of Earth, but 200,000 times more dense

If you fall into a Black Hole, how will it look? Will your body will turn into Spaghetti?

  • Yes! People would see you approach the black hole slower and slower, then when you reach the event horizon, you body will essentially appear to stop. The light we see coming off your body will become redshifted and it will eventually fade into nothingness
  • Spaghettification? Definitely. This happens as you are approaching the event horizon, the tidal forces of gravity are stronger at your feet than your head. You eventually start to feel your body stretching, the tidal forces of the black hole overcome the molecular forces that hold your body together and it will continue to do this until your body is essentially, spaghettified!

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Tony DiBernardo

Founder | Space, But Messier!

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